Protection concept Diacova

How we stay safe during the pandemic

General approach

In person

Still available for in-person appointments.


Appointments are guaranteed.


Appointments can also be made online.

So that meetings at our premises remain possible


Our clients should feel safe and comfortable with us.

Face masks

Face masks are generally compulsory on our premises. However, we remain sensitive to individual needs.


Office materials are regularly disinfected.

Fresh air

Our offices are regularly ventilated.


We make face masks and cleaning solutions available.

Working from home

Wherever possible we work from home.

Social distancing

We follow the social distancing recommendations of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Those present are split between different rooms.

Sense of responsibility

We follow the guidelines and recommendations of the FOPH.


Open approach to the topic of coronavirus.


Please do not come to our premises if you have any symptoms.

Coronavirus manager

We have appointed an internal coronavirus manager.